The creation Crewe’s Business Improvement District (BID) received the support of local businesses in November 2023 and local business leaders have now formed a company to lead on delivery of the 5 year programme of improvements planned for Crewe.
The BID has been set up as a limited company with a board of voluntary directors, made up of local business leaders, starting from the 1st April 2024. The establishment of the new BID Company follows a vote in which businesses approved a proposal to support a 5 year £1.6million private sector led investment for Crewe town centre, Grand Junction Retail Park and Nantwich Road.
This will be Crewe’s first BID, and it is expected to lead and support a wide range of activities, events & festivals, additional projects and services that will help to make Crewe more economically vibrant, increase footfall and support the creation of a safer, cleaner and greener town.
Crewe’s business community joins over 350 city and town centres across the UK which have chosen to implement successful BIDs since 2004 including Chester City Centre, Wilmslow, Northwich and Warrington.
The current Board comprises representatives from Nantwich Road, Crewe Town Centre and Grand Junction Retail Park, however new board members are invited to get in touch. The newly elected Chair of the BID is Graham Saunders from South Cheshire Glass who has said;
“The creation of a Business Improvement District in Crewe enhances the overall economic health of our town. The business community in Crewe has achieved so much under difficult circumstances over the past few years, and the creation of the BID demonstrates the aspiration of businesses to support the regeneration of Crewe and unlock further opportunities to enhance the town’s offer as a place to work, live, shop and entertain.”
The development of BID was funded by Crewe Town Council in 2023 and 2024. A Crewe Town Council spokes person commented:
“Crewe Town Council is delighted to see the establishment of a BID for Crewe. The BID will empower businesses and create a more vibrant and diverse visitor experience for all. Working together to improve marketing, events, transport, cleansing and security will make a massive difference to Crewe and the business community”.
The BID will be funded through a small additional levy paid by companies within the BID area which will raise £1.6million to invest in new additional improvements for Crewe. To ensure that the Business Improvement District does not duplicate or fund statutory services provided by Cheshire East Council and Crewe Town Council a number of baseline commitments are being provided by the town council and Cheshire East Council to enable the new Crewe BID board to ensure the BID’s funding is invested in added value projects and services.
If eligible business are interested in joining the new private sector led BID board of the new Crewe BID company further details can be found at

Pictured Above are Board members of the New Crewe BID Company Ltd. From top left: Thomas Jones (Hibberts LLP), Mark Hill (YMCA Retail), Graham Saunders (South Cheshire Glass & Chair of Crewe BID) and Juliet Davies (United Carpets).